Who are we?
Climate changes result in increased rainfall and increased number of days with extreme weather. Huge quantities of storm water need to be managed. Authorities implement new regulations. Which solutions exist and how do they work in practice?
Storm Aqua AS is a new company in the Skjæveland Group. Three companies together can deliver complete systems for storm water management.
Multiblokk AS produces permeable concrete pavements, Skjæveland Cementstøperi AS produces concrete infiltration wells and attenuation basins and Storm Aqua AS delivers competence.
Storm Aqua AS has a vision to become an important supplier of competence for practical storm water solutions. The company offers competence within four areas:
- Building projects for storm water management, where Storm Aqua contributes with competence and solutions that satisfy demands and ensure long term functionality.
- Research and development projects, where Storm Aqua participates in the development of new and innovative products, services and processes.
- Measurement projects, where Storm Aqua instruments, measures and documents the effects of storm water solutions and compare the effects with the previous situation.
- Competence development, where Storm Aqua contributes to an increased competence level within storm water management in order to stimulate a better exploitation of possibilities.
Testarea made available for anyone with an interest in storm water management
Multiblokk and Skjæveland Cementstøperi AS has invested in the construction of a demonstration- and test area for storm water management. The area is operated by the competence supplier Storm Aqua AS. Results are made available for anyone with an interest in storm water management.
Vi arbeider innen fire områder:
- Produktutvikling, hvor vi utvikler nye løsninger for eget bruk, for Skjæveland Cementstøperi AS og Multiblokk AS og for andre.
- Rådgivning hvor vi gir praktiske innspill til forprosjekteringen opp mot søknad om rammeplan og detaljprosjektering opp mot søknad om igangsettelsestillatelse.
- Måling og dokumentasjon, hvor vi måler og dokumenterer infiltrasjonsegenskaper, nedbør, variasjoner i grunnvannsstand, vannføring, vannivå, sedimentnivå osv.
- Kompetanseheving, hvor vi deler vår kompetanse og erfaringer gjennom faglige miniseminarer, foredrag og klimatilpasningsdagene.